Monthly Archives: April 2017

CVE-2017-2416 GIF表情引发的远程代码执行

适用于:iPhone 5 及更新机型、iPad 第 4 代及更新机型、iPod touch 第 6 代及更新机型
CVE-2017-2416:腾讯科恩实验室的 @flanker_hqd

(For English version see


前段时间偶然发现了一个ImageIO.framework中的图像解析漏洞,通过发送这个恶意图片,可以在任何有图片显示功能的应用中直接触发该漏洞,特别是各种IM应用(例如iMessage, Telegram, Slack, iMessage和国产流行IM,以及邮件应用例如Mail, Outlook, Inbox, Gmail,还有一些想做IM的金融应用例如alipay等),导致应用崩溃。在精心布置的内存布局下还有远程代码执行的可能。

让问题变得更蛋疼的是,很多客户端通常会在启动的时候再去尝试恢复加载之前的记录,也包括图片,这导致每次启动的时候该漏洞都会被触发,自动地成为了一个可持续的漏洞 – -b 例如iMessage和Mail即是如此。通过iMessage给一个没有升级到10.12.4的人发送攻击图片,其iMessage就再也打不开了。

DEMO videos



Crash trace

* thread #1: tid = 0x17570, 0x00007fff9557f1ab ImageIO`IIOReadPlugin::IIOReadPlugin(CGImagePlus*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long long, unsigned char) + 67, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)
    frame #0: 0x00007fff9557f1ab ImageIO`IIOReadPlugin::IIOReadPlugin(CGImagePlus*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long long, unsigned char) + 67
->  0x7fff9557f1ab <+67>: mov    al, byte ptr [rdi + 0x40]
    0x7fff9557f1ae <+70>: mov    qword ptr [rbx + 0x20], rdi
    0x7fff9557f1b2 <+74>: mov    byte ptr [rbx + 0xc8], al
    0x7fff9557f1b8 <+80>: xor    eax, eax Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0        0x00007fffa144d1ab IIOReadPlugin::IIOReadPlugin(CGImagePlus*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long long, unsigned char) + 67
1        0x00007fffa14b8c93 GIFReadPlugin::InitProc(CGImagePlugin*, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 59
2        0x00007fffa14177da IIOImageSource::makeImagePlus(unsigned long, __CFDictionary const*) + 252
3        0x00007fffa141918b IIOImageSource::getPropertiesAtIndexInternal(unsigned long, __CFDictionary const*) + 57
4        0x00007fffa141911c IIOImageSource::copyPropertiesAtIndex(unsigned long, __CFDictionary const*) + 98
5        0x00007fffa13f03ca CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex + 181
6                   0x00007fff9cfdbcae +[NSBitmapImageRep _imagesWithData:hfsFileType:extension:zone:expandImageContentNow:includeAllReps:] + 543
7                   0x00007fff9cfdba68 +[NSBitmapImageRep _imageRepsWithData:hfsFileType:extension:expandImageContentNow:] + 93
8                   0x00007fff9d4bf08e -[NSImage _initWithData:fileType:hfsType:] + 479

在苹果平台上,基本所有的图像解析功能最后都会调用[NSImage _initWithData:fileType:hfsType:], 随后IIOImageSource将图像的解析根据图像头特征分配到对应的plugin中。注意这里并不是基于文件扩展名做的判断,所以后续我们可以通过这个特性绕过过滤实现利用。


如果把它拖动到任意macos/iOS app中的时候崩溃了,那么你的系统受该漏洞影响,赶快升级吧。 测试样例文件下载:Sample PNG Sample GIF 仅供自测使用,请勿用于非法用途例如发送给他人。



  v32 = (signed __int16)width * (signed __int64)height;
  if ( v32 > filesize * 1100 * v29 )
    LOBYTE(aspectbyte) = 0;
    v15 = 0LL;
    if ( this->gapC0[8] )
      LOBYTE(aspectbyte) = 0;
        "malformed GIF file (%d x %d) - [canvasSize: %ld  fileSize: %ld   ratio: %d]  \n",
        (unsigned int)(signed __int16)width,
        (unsigned int)(height),    // width >> 16 is height
        (signed __int16)width * (signed __int64)SHIWORD(width),
        v32 / filesize);
      v15 = 0LL;
    goto LABEL_71;
__text:00000000000CC51F                 movsx   rax, r9w
__text:00000000000CC523                 mov     ecx, r9d
__text:00000000000CC526                 shr     ecx, 10h
__text:00000000000CC529                 movsx   rbx, cx
__text:00000000000CC52D                 imul    rbx, rax
__text:00000000000CC531                 imul    rdx, r12, 44Ch
__text:00000000000CC538                 mov     rax, rdx
__text:00000000000CC53B                 imul    rax, rsi
__text:00000000000CC53F                 cmp     rbx, rax



bool __fastcall IIOReadPlugin::IIOReadPlugin(IIOReadPlugin *a1, __int64 a2, int a3, int a4, __int64 a5, unsigned __int8 a6)
    unsigned __int8 v6; // r14@1
    IIOReadPlugin *this; // rbx@1
    __int64 v8; // rax@1
    __int64 sessionwrap; // rdi@1
    IIOImageReadSession *session; // rax@2
    IIOImageRead *v11; // rdi@2
    __int64 v12; // rax@2
    __int64 *v13; // rcx@5
    __int64 v14; // rdx@5
    bool result; // al@5
    v6 = a6;
    this = a1;
    a1->vt = (__int64)off_1659D0;
    a1->field_8 = a2;
    v8 = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 24);
    a1->field_10 = v8;
    a1->field_38 = a3;
    a1->field_3c = a4;
    a1->field_30 = a5;
    sessionwrap = *(_QWORD *)(v8 + 24);
    if ( sessionwrap )
        session = (IIOImageReadSession *)CGImageReadSessionGetSession(sessionwrap); //session is invalid
        this->session = session;
        v11 = (IIOImageRead *)session->imageread; //oob happens here and lead to crash
        LOBYTE(session) = v11->field_40;
        this->field_20 = (__int64)v11;
        this->field_c8 = (char)session;
        v12 = 0LL;
        if ( v11 )
            v12 = IIOImageRead::getSize(v11);
        this->field_20 = 0LL;
        this->session = 0LL;
        this->field_c8 = 1;
        v12 = 0LL;


  a1->field_8 = cgimgplus;
  imageplus = CGImagePlusGetIPlus(cgimgplus);
  a1->field_10 = imageplus;
  a1->field_38 = v9;
  a1->field_3c = v8;
  a1->field_30 = v7;
  v12 = *(_QWORD *)(imageplus + 32);
  a1->field_18 = v12;
  imageread = *(IIOImageRead **)(v12 + 32);
  if ( imageread )
    v10->field_c8 = *((_BYTE *)imageread + 64);
    v10->field_20 = (__int64)imageread;
    v14 = IIOImageRead::getSize(imageread);
    v10->field_c8 = 0;
    v10->field_20 = 0LL;
    v14 = 0LL;






  • 2017.1.10 Initial discovery
  • 2017.1.16 Report to Apple
  • 2017.1.24 Apple responds on they are working on a fix
  • 2017.3.23 CVE-2017-2416 assigned
  • 2017.3.28 Advisory published at
  • 2017.4.6 Public disclosure

CVE-2017-2416 Remote code execution triggered by malformed GIF in ImageIO framework, affecting most iOS/macOS apps

CVE-2017-2416 Remote code execution triggered by malformed GIF in ImageIO framework, affecting most iOS/macOS apps

ImageIO Available for: iPhone 5 and later, iPad 4th generation and later, iPod touch 6th generation and later

Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted image may lead to arbitrary code execution

Description: A memory corruption issue was addressed through improved input validation.

CVE-2017-2416: flanker_hqd of KeenLab, Tencent


(For Chinese version of this writeup see

Recently I’ve switched my main research focus back from Apple stuff to Android and browsers. While I was auditing a custom image parsing library written by some ppls, I transferred the test case image manipulated by 010editor via a popular IM messenger, and all of a sudden, the app crashed. I investigated the crash and found it is a issue in ImageIO library, and can be automatically triggered in all kinds of iOS/macOS apps that receives GIF images, especially the ones for instant messaging, such as Signal, Telegram, Slack, iMessage etc and Email clients such as Mail, Outlook, Inbox, Gmail, etc and even financial apps that want to be an IM such as Alipay. All these apps will crash on receiving the malicious GIF.

I haven’t test Twitter, but should you find a way to post the malformed GIF online (which I think can be done by manipulated the post stream to bypass the frontend filtering, but I was too busy to try that), the client should also crash as well.

What make things worse is that many clients will automatically reload and reparse the image on open, triggering the vulnerability again and again, lead to infinite loop and eliminating the need for attacker to persistent – -b

DEMO video1

The first video demonstrates receiving malformed gif file via iMessage lead to crash

DEMO video2

the second video demonstrates persistence (user cannot open iMessage anymore…)

Crash trace

* thread #1: tid = 0x17570, 0x00007fff9557f1ab ImageIO`IIOReadPlugin::IIOReadPlugin(CGImagePlus*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long long, unsigned char) + 67, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)
    frame #0: 0x00007fff9557f1ab ImageIO`IIOReadPlugin::IIOReadPlugin(CGImagePlus*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long long, unsigned char) + 67
->  0x7fff9557f1ab <+67>: mov    al, byte ptr [rdi + 0x40]
    0x7fff9557f1ae <+70>: mov    qword ptr [rbx + 0x20], rdi
    0x7fff9557f1b2 <+74>: mov    byte ptr [rbx + 0xc8], al
    0x7fff9557f1b8 <+80>: xor    eax, eax
Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0        0x00007fffa144d1ab IIOReadPlugin::IIOReadPlugin(CGImagePlus*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long long, unsigned char) + 67
1        0x00007fffa14b8c93 GIFReadPlugin::InitProc(CGImagePlugin*, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 59
2        0x00007fffa14177da IIOImageSource::makeImagePlus(unsigned long, __CFDictionary const*) + 252
3        0x00007fffa141918b IIOImageSource::getPropertiesAtIndexInternal(unsigned long, __CFDictionary const*) + 57
4        0x00007fffa141911c IIOImageSource::copyPropertiesAtIndex(unsigned long, __CFDictionary const*) + 98
5        0x00007fffa13f03ca CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex + 181
6                   0x00007fff9cfdbcae +[NSBitmapImageRep _imagesWithData:hfsFileType:extension:zone:expandImageContentNow:includeAllReps:] + 543
7                   0x00007fff9cfdba68 +[NSBitmapImageRep _imageRepsWithData:hfsFileType:extension:expandImageContentNow:] + 93
8                   0x00007fff9d4bf08e -[NSImage _initWithData:fileType:hfsType:] + 479

Almost all image related functions on Apple platform calls down to [NSImage _initWithData:fileType:hfsType:], and IIOImageSource dispatches image parsing to corresponding plugin based on signature detection (note: not based on file extension). This feature will be useful afterwards.

Sample file to test if you’re vulnerable

Test image sample:

Sample PNG Sample GIF

Grab an image file and change the width/height field to both negative short whose unsigned form value larger than 0xff00.

Drag it into /send to any macos/iOS application and if it crashes, you’re vulnerable.


The root cause seems to be at GIFReadPlugin::init function, in the following decompiled snippet:

  v32 = (signed __int16)width * (signed __int64)height;
  if ( v32 > filesize * 1100 * v29 )
    LOBYTE(aspectbyte) = 0;
    v15 = 0LL;
    if ( this->gapC0[8] )
      LOBYTE(aspectbyte) = 0;
        "malformed GIF file (%d x %d) - [canvasSize: %ld  fileSize: %ld   ratio: %d]  \n",
        (unsigned int)(signed __int16)width,
        (unsigned int)(height),    // width >> 16 is height
        (signed __int16)width * (signed __int64)SHIWORD(width),
        v32 / filesize);
      v15 = 0LL;
    goto LABEL_71;
__text:00000000000CC51F                 movsx   rax, r9w
__text:00000000000CC523                 mov     ecx, r9d
__text:00000000000CC526                 shr     ecx, 10h
__text:00000000000CC529                 movsx   rbx, cx
__text:00000000000CC52D                 imul    rbx, rax
__text:00000000000CC531                 imul    rdx, r12, 44Ch
__text:00000000000CC538                 mov     rax, rdx
__text:00000000000CC53B                 imul    rax, rsi
__text:00000000000CC53F                 cmp     rbx, rax

An attacker can craft an image of negative height and weight, thus bypassing the check comparing to file size, lead to following out-of-bound. As I have mentioned above, the dispatching is based on file signature rather than file extension. I noticed some applications’ web interfaces have check on the size of GIF images, preventing me from spreading this POC to mobile apps. However they do not have check on PNG extension, allowing me to upload the malformed GIF image in PNG extension, bypassing the check and crashes whoever receives it.

While this does make sense, after Apple releases the fix I checked the new ImageIO binary and found the fix actually goes another way. Recall the crash happens in IIOReadPlugin::IIOReadPlugin, in the following pseudo code at 10.11.2/3:

bool __fastcall IIOReadPlugin::IIOReadPlugin(IIOReadPlugin *a1, __int64 a2, int a3, int a4, __int64 a5, unsigned __int8 a6)
    unsigned __int8 v6; // r14@1
    IIOReadPlugin *this; // rbx@1
    __int64 v8; // rax@1
    __int64 sessionwrap; // rdi@1
    IIOImageReadSession *session; // rax@2
    IIOImageRead *v11; // rdi@2
    __int64 v12; // rax@2
    __int64 *v13; // rcx@5
    __int64 v14; // rdx@5
    bool result; // al@5
    v6 = a6;
    this = a1;
    a1->vt = (__int64)off_1659D0;
    a1->field_8 = a2;
    v8 = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 24);
    a1->field_10 = v8;
    a1->field_38 = a3;
    a1->field_3c = a4;
    a1->field_30 = a5;
    sessionwrap = *(_QWORD *)(v8 + 24);
    if ( sessionwrap )
        session = (IIOImageReadSession *)CGImageReadSessionGetSession(sessionwrap); //session is invalid
        this->session = session;
        v11 = (IIOImageRead *)session->imageread; //oob happens here and lead to crash
        LOBYTE(session) = v11->field_40;
        this->field_20 = (__int64)v11;
        this->field_c8 = (char)session;
        v12 = 0LL;
        if ( v11 )
            v12 = IIOImageRead::getSize(v11);
        this->field_20 = 0LL;
        this->session = 0LL;
        this->field_c8 = 1;
        v12 = 0LL;
 And now apple changes the if-block in 10.12.4:
  a1->field_8 = cgimgplus;
  imageplus = CGImagePlusGetIPlus(cgimgplus);
  a1->field_10 = imageplus;
  a1->field_38 = v9;
  a1->field_3c = v8;
  a1->field_30 = v7;
  v12 = *(_QWORD *)(imageplus + 32);
  a1->field_18 = v12;
  imageread = *(IIOImageRead **)(v12 + 32);
  if ( imageread )
    v10->field_c8 = *((_BYTE *)imageread + 64);
    v10->field_20 = (__int64)imageread;
    v14 = IIOImageRead::getSize(imageread);
    v10->field_c8 = 0;
    v10->field_20 = 0LL;
    v14 = 0LL;

Removing the usage of IIOImageReadSession in this function. Is it better than fixing the size change? Dunno.

Custom fix?

For app developers who want to mitigate this issue for users staying at old versions, I suggest check for negative width and height before passing to NSImage.

I believe this vulnerability is introduced in iOS 10, so iOS 9/OSX 10.11 users are not affected (how many ppls are still using iOS9? Raise your hands). For iOS 10/macOS 10.12 users, please upgrade to 10.3/10.12.4 for the official fix.


  • 2017.1.10 Initial discovery
  • 2017.1.16 Report to Apple
  • 2017.1.24 Apple responds on they are working on a fix
  • 2017.3.23 CVE-2017-2416 assigned
  • 2017.3.28 Advisory published at
  • 2017.4.6 Public disclosure