
而在Apache中如何配置呢?一般情况下会首先想到AddType、Header set content-type或者.htaccess中采用Rewrite Engine。搜索这个问题也通常会得到这三种解释。但问题在于,如果你加载了mime_module,它有一个配置文件,TypesConfig conf/mime.types,在你的apache目录下打开这个文件,会看到很多预定义好的解析类型,Http Server文件解析会优先交给它来做。这样的话,前两种方法在mime_module模块存在下事实上是无效的。而.htaccess虽然可行,但如果我们想把所有的文件全部指定为octstream,每个文件类型都要写规则麻烦且不可行。那我们该如何方便快捷的去完成这个任务?

以下摘自Apache Http Server文档

ForceType Directive

Description: Forces all matching files to be served with the specified MIME content-type
Syntax: ForceType MIME-type|None
Context: directory, .htaccess
Override: FileInfo
Status: Core
Module: core
Compatibility: Moved to the core in Apache 2.0

When placed into an .htaccess file or a <Directory>, or <Location> or <Files> section, this directive forces all matching files to be served with the content type identification given by MIME-type. For example, if you had a directory full of GIF files, but did not want to label them all with .gif, you might want to use:

ForceType image/gif

Note that unlike DefaultType, this directive overrides all mime-type associations, including filename extensions, that might identify the media type.
You can override any ForceType setting by using the value of None:

# force all files to be image/gif:
<Location /images>
ForceType image/gif

# but normal mime-type associations here:
<Location /images/mixed>
ForceType None

本文开头的问题就有了明确的解答:ForceType application/octet-stream即可。设置完成后再访问这个目录下的文件时就会直接下载,而不会再去解析。


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